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林海彬,男,硕士,闽南师范大学教授,硕士生导师,联系方式:526733412@qq.com20087月毕业于厦门大学化学化工学院。目前主要从事蛋白质和小分子相互作用、光致电子转移进行分子逻辑器件的构建、分子间作用力本质探究及生命的起源等方面的研究,部分成果已发表在《Sensors and Actuators BChemical》《Chemical Physics》《Chemical Physics Letters》及《应用化学》等期刊上。





(3)2017.4-2020.4,基于荧光共振能量转移的大分子逻辑运算器件的构建. NO2017J01587福建省自然科学面上基金项目

(4) 2013.06-2015.12, 草甘膦废水中可再利用物质的回收及对其深度处理的研究. JA13193福建省教育厅产学研项目。


(1)Jinhong Zhang, Lifeng Cai , Yulin Mo, Xingmei Hu, Haibin Lin*. Design of two different functional molecular logic devices based on hybrid fluorescence resonance-electron exchange energy transfer. Chemical Physics 574 (2023) 112052(1/12)

(2)Xing-Mei Hu, Li-Fen Cai, Jin-Hong Zhang, Guo-Liang Chen, Hai-Bin Lin* , Designing three digital logic circuits based on two-component molecular systems of a combination of BSA and N, N ′-bis(salicylidene)- ethylenediamineChemical Physics Letters 811 (2023) 140238(1/10).

(3)胡杏梅,张锦鸿,莫玉琳,林海彬*. 基于牛血清白蛋白与席夫碱的组合而构建出双输出分子逻辑电路, 应用化学, 2023,40(6):904-915.

(4)胡杏梅,莫玉琳,张锦鸿,林海彬*. 基于牛血清白蛋白@席夫碱双荧光化合物的组合而构建出三输入-双输出分子逻辑电路, 化学研究与应用,2023,35(9):2109-2119.(5) Lin Hai-Bin*, Chen FengGuo Hong-Xu. Digital logic circuit based on two component molecular systems of BSA and salen, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 191 (2018) 435–441.

(6) Hai-Bin Lin* , Zhi-Qing Liao, Yan-Hong Dai, Yu-Ye Wang,  Hong-Xu Guo. Design of multiple efficient molecular logic devices based on molecular systems containing bovine serum albumin and 5-sulfosalicylic acid. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018,273(10):672–680.

(7) LIN Hai-Bin*, QIU Gui-Lin. Fluorescence switching of BSA–[Fe(III)–salen]Cl and implementation of its multiple logic gates. Journal of Luminescence, 2017 , 182: 226-232.

(8) H.-B. Lin*, Q.-H. Shen. Research on the ligand exchange between two phenanthroline complexes and bovine serum albumin by fluorescence spectrum. Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. 2017, 84(1),170-176.


(1) 林海彬,章逢辉. 一种2-氨基-8-萘酚-6-磺酸工业废水的处理方法(专利号:ZL 2020 1 0478896.X)授权公告日:2023217

(2) 林海彬. 工业废水中稀硫酸的回收工艺(专利号:2019 109 11240.X);授权公告日:202164

(3) 林海彬. 强酸性废水中钴离子的回收工艺 (专利号:2017 1 1145 168.1);授权公告日:2020331

